In today's world, there is data in everything we do and everything we touch. From barcodes to lab tests to CAN (Controller Area Network) in your car, and, of course, online activity. But what happens with that data and how can we use it to our advantage?
Well, first we need to test and collect the data. Culligan free water testing is a great example of testing and collecting data. During a home visit, your Culligan rep will visit a potential client's home and perform an initial free water test. While the results of that test will reflect the six basics - hard water, TDS, pH levels, chlorine, iron, and nitrate levels - it gives your sales rep information to begin their analysis, while the water sample awaits further testing at the lab.
With the test results at their figure tips, your sales rep can then start analyzing the data to determine what Culligan water system their client might need. At the same time they will likely ask about the size of the household and other details to make sure the size of the system will be able to offer the flow rate needed for the home.
Once the information has been analyzed, your sales rep can start recommending products and services that are appropriate for the home.
And this process is an ongoing rotational process that keeps us informed. In the testing phase, we look for patterns or data that stands out. Those patterns and data tells us a story which allow us to analyze, and subsequently make decisions about what to do next.
What is data? Honestly, it's everything!
Data can be yours (first-party) or it can be someone else's (third party)
Data can and should come from any part of the funnel
Data can really come from anywhere
Most importantly, data drives decisions.
We're all familiar with the sales funnel, with awareness at the top of the funnel, leading to customer interest, which ideally results in a decision to purchase, that ends with an action as the final stage.

But in reality, the sales funnel is really a data funnel...

And with correct use of that data, we generate more substantial leads with a higher conversation rate.

The beauty of digital marketing, is that the platforms that are used are all trackable and provide real-time data. While traditional marketing can be effective, it is hard to know exactly what is working. Marrying traditional marketing with digital marketing let's you gather all the data from every platform your touching.
Fusion Digital helps you test, gather, and analyze that data and we work with you to make decisions about the next steps in your marketing campaign. It goes without saying that data is only good when it's shared with you and we make a point of doing that. At Fusion Digital we give you live dashboards so you can analyze the date in real-time and make decision faster, making your marketing campaigns more effective and efficient.

So, what are your marketing goals and how can we help you get there?